Did you know that the prostate is a male sexual organ?
Did you know that the prostate is a male sexual organ?
The prostate is a walnut-sized, muscular gland located below the bladder in men. Its primary role is to produce some of the compounds found in semen that support sperm. During ejaculation, the prostate squeezes fluid into the urethra which is expelled as semen.
As a man ages, changes in his prostate can lead to urinary symptoms such as more frequent urination, sudden urgency, a weak stream, and more. Urinary symptoms are common - affecting about 40% of older men.||
Invest in your prostate health today!

Urinary Symptom Analyzer
This questionnaire was developed to measure the severity of your urinary symptoms. Although this questionnaire is for educational purposes only, it can help you to communicate what urinary issues you are having to your doctor. Your score is not meant to provide medical advice or replace your doctor's expert opinion and care. Only your doctor can diagnose and assess your individual condition. This questionnaire does not capture any data - no personal information will be stored.
Symptoms |
Not at all |
Less than 1 in 5 times |
Less than half the time |
About half the time |
More than half the time |
Almost always |
Incomplete emptyingOver the last month, how often have you had the sensation of not emptying your bladder? |
FrequencyOver the last month, how often have you had to urinate again less than 2 hours after you finished urinating? |
IntermittencyOver the last month, how often have you found you stopped and started again several times when you urinated? |
UrgencyOver the last month, how often have you found it difficult to postpone urination? |
Weak streamOver the last month, how often have you had a weak urinary stream? |
StrainingOver the last month, how often have you had to strain to start urination? |
Nighttime awakenings |
None |
1 time |
2 times |
3 times |
4 times |
5 times or more |
Over the last month, how many times did you typically get up at night to urinate? |
The urinary symptom analyzer is based on the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire created by the American Urological Association (AUA).
How Severe Are My Symptoms?
It is advisable to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. This score may be used to develop a treatment plan and measure improvement over time. Remember, only your doctor can assess your individual condition and provide an appropriate diagnosis.
20-35Your Score
Your Score

Tips to Improve Urinary
and Prostate Health
Lifestyle changes that may help include:
- Maintain a heart-healthy diet
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Stay active and exercise regularly
- Treat any constipation
- Avoid consuming fluids two hours prior to bedtime
- Schedule regular bathroom visits and try double voiding (void 30 seconds after you first void)
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol
- Talk to your doctor and pharmacist about your medications and over the counter meds, cold medications with antihistamines and decongestants can cause a problem for some men