For your male patients with LUTS*
Reimagine Watchful Waiting

Enhance watchful waiting with standardized 320 mg lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr), a saw palmetto extract dietary supplement1,2

For your male patients with LUTS*
Reimagine Watchful Waiting

Enhance watchful waiting with standardized 320 mg lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr), a saw palmetto extract dietary supplement1,2

The Mechanism of Action of Saw Palmetto Extract

This animation provides an overview of the mechanism of action of a standardized lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr). Serenoa repens is more commonly known as saw palmetto. Standardized LSESr contains a unique mixture of bioactive fatty acids that can normalize androgen signaling and reduce proinflammatory mediators to address the symptoms of male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)*.

1st and only USP-Verified prostate health supplement

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Setting the standards

For medicines, dietary supplements, and foods for more than 200 years

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Independent verification

With strict science and FDA cGMP* to ensure

  • Positive identity
  • Potency
  • Purity
  • Performance
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Setting the standards

For medicines, dietary supplements, and foods for more than 200 years

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Independent verification

With strict science and FDA cGMP* to ensure

  • Positive identity
  • Potency
  • Purity
  • Performance
Tested in a certified

Tested in a certified lab to meet USP standards


Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility

Tested for contaminants

Tested for contaminants and adulterants

Meets Good Manufacturing

Meets Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

USP has tested and verified ingredients, potency, and manufacturing process. USP sets official standards for dietary supplements. See

Clinical evidence demonstrates effectiveness in men with LUTS*

LSESr 15-study meta analysis:

Clinically meaningful change in IPSS*

Overall -5.73 improvement in IPSS (clinically significant)3

Mask Group Updated_HCP

LSESr 15-study meta analysis:

Significant improvement in nighttime voids*

Overall improvement of -1.56 voids per night3

Mask_Group Group

1. Adapted from: Vela-Navarrete R, et al. BJU Int. 2018 Dec;122(6):1049-1065.

LSESr delays worsening of LUTS
vs watchful waiting*

Updated_HCP_Chart Updated_HCP_Chart

†2-year comparative study of LSESr vs watchful waiting assessing step change in IPSS from mild (IPSS 1-7) to moderate (IPSS 8-19) or severe (IPSS 20-35) at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months.

An established safety profile based on decades of clinical research and in-market use*

LSESr has established safety without sexual side effects*5-9

Male Sexual Function 4-item Questionnaire5-9
(Interest in sex, quality of erection, achievement of ejaculation, achievement of orgasm)


No impact on sexual function5-9


No known drug interactions10


No impact on PSA testing5,6,8,11,12-14

Unique bioactive fatty-acid fingerprint for LSESr

Standardized to 85% - 95% total fatty acids

Lauric Acid Ratio: Fatty Acid (Fingerprint Identity)


Average values from gas chromatography data over a 3-year period.

Average values from gas chromatography data over a 3-year period.


Range: 86.3 – 93.1% total fatty acids.

