What is Flomentum®?

Flomentum is a pure oil extract of Serenoa repens, also known as saw palmetto berry oil extract. Each softgel contains
320 mg of oil extract, the clinical strength shown to support improved urinary function in clinical studies.§
[ Just one small softgel a day is all it takes ]

Reduces urinary frequency,
day and night*

Promotes healthy prostate function*

Reduces urgency and supports healthy flow*
Supports healthy
urinary function*

Maintains healthy sexual function*
The Flomentum Difference

Flomentum is the first and only United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Verified prostate health supplement. USP verifies purity, potency, and manufacturing to FDA current good manufacturing standards.

Flomentum contains 320 mg of pure Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) extract, comparable to the leading saw palmetto herbal medicine sold in Europe, which is shown to be effective in clinical studies.§

Flomentum is made from mature, wild-harvested, Fresh from Florida® saw palmetto berries that are sourced using sustainable harvesting practices.

Flomentum is made from saw palmetto oil that is extracted by a patented and proprietary green extraction process that yields more of what nature offers.
Why Flomentum?
Made from 320 mg of patented saw palmetto extract, the dose found to be effective in clinical studies

Common Saw Palmetto Products made from Ground Berries Powder

Made using a proprietary extraction process, yielding an extract comparable to the leading European herbal medicine

Common Saw Palmetto Products made from Ground Berry Powder

USP Verified for purity & potency

Common Saw Palmetto Products made from Ground Berry Powder

Flomentum Reviews

A month ago, I got up every 90 minutes all night. A couple of weeks after I started taking Flowmentum, I noticed the time between having to go to the bathroom was getting longer. After about five weeks, I am getting up once or, at the most, twice, and I've had a couple of nights when I did not wake up at all! I am impressed!
Roger T.

Maintain a very strong balance once it’s in your system real good. 2-3 weeks of usage.

I guess I was one of the few that it began to work after three weeks. Just finished my first bottle. After struggling with constant urges for 6 years. I am now training myself that I don’t have to worry about finding a bathroom all the time. I also don’t feel any side effects. Hope it works for you!

I have been taking Flomentum for the last 4 weeks. I also take other herbs which help also. I noticed a big difference when I added Flomentum to the mix. This product is the real deal and the best on the market. Their are so many products out their which I tried but this is the only one that has the real ingredients that make this product work. I recommend this product highly.
Michael A.
Individual results may vary. Some men see results within weeks. Typical results experienced within 90 days.